Saturday, March 19, 2011

Portable AND Affordable

Luggable Loo - $14.99  via Target Online
Liners - $11.99  via Target Online

Considering going camping with our Family Nature Club in April but concerned how primitive tent camping can be?

Never fear, there are options out there.  Instead of walking to the restrooms in the middle of the night, consider getting a Luggable Loo. They're portable and affordable.  Additionally, they receive rave reviews!

Have any more concerns?  Please feel free to
email us, we're happy to help.

Mark Your Calendar
Our next camp out is Saturday, April 2nd - Sunday, April 3rd to Cedar Hills State Park. Join us!!


  1. It seems like a good idea until I think about cleaning it?

  2. No cleaning necessary, well except maybe the toilet seat (and if you trip over it at night - ewwwww!). btw...i'd laugh. :)
    Seriously, just be sure to also purchase Luggable Loo liners, the perfect fit to line the inside of the bucket.
    Each morning, take out the bag, seal and toss. VOILA! :-)
