Sunday, May 22, 2011

Outdoor Blogger Network

You can now find DFW Family Nature Club listed on Outdoor Blogger Network's blog directory.  In addition to their directory, this wonderful website has many great resources including outdoor forums and a gear review log.  If you get a moment, take some time to check out their site.  

Outdoor Blogger Network -
Connecting the Outdoor Community.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 Can't-Miss Childhood Moments

Into each childhood, thousands of moments of wonder should fall. Moments not fueled by expensive toys or electronic screens, but simple every-day treasures that can be found in backyards and communities world-wide.
In these simple, authentic moments not only is joy to be found, but memories will be made. I offer you this list as a jumping off point, and there will be more to come.

Join me!
Let’s see what awe and wonder we can stir up — for kids and the kids at heart out there!

  1. TOASTING MARSHMALLOWS ON A STICK- anxiously awaiting the sweet goo that is to come. Learning to master the perfect toasty brown color — equal parts art and science, in my book.
  2. WADING IN A CREEK– toes wriggling in the light current, knee-deep in fun. Looking under rocks for critters and sailing boats made of sticks.
  3. CLIMBING A TREE -  The world has never been as beautiful as it looks from a perch in a glorious (and sturdy!) tree.
  4. CATCHING FIREFLIES - on a warm summer night. Pure magic awaits! (Of course, be sure to let them go.)
  5. BUILDING A FORT - Somewhere special, just for the kids. No kit houses required — just some sticks, bushes, maybe a tarp — and a lot of imagination.
  6. WALKING ALONG THE BEACH -  Sand between the toes, chasing sand pipers and soaring like a gull. Building sand castles where they will be kings and queens. Collecting shells and sea glass. Salt-scented memories tucked away for later.
  7. PLANTING A GARDEN– the wonder and joy that will bloom there is without equal. No yard ? Look for a community garden near you or plant a container garden. Dirt = joy.
  8. WALKING IN THE WOODS - . Listening to the birds. Looking for signs of wildlife. Making bark rubbings or collecting rocks. “Getting lost” in the layers of the land — from canopy to leaf litter — and in the layers of their imaginations, as well.
  9. SLEEPING UNDER THE STARS - A full camping trip or a simple night spent sleeping in the backyard. Stargazing. Telling stories — there is magic to be found under the stars on a warm night that can be found nowhere else.
  10. WHISTLING WITH A BLADE OF GRASS. Trust me — hours can be spent learning and mastering this skill. Kids will love the honks and wheezes they make along the way. And, once mastered, major bragging rights are afoot!
Out of 10, how many of the items on this list do you remember from your own childhood? I bet quite a few! Take a moment and let those memories drift to the surface. Feel the warmth of them and relish that for a moment.

Now, how many of these moments have the children in your world experienced so far? Enough? Could there ever be enough of these types of moments? Doubtful.

I hope that you will all take the time to re-capture the Can’t-Miss Childhood Moments in your world. There are still marshmallows to be toasted and grass whistles to be mastered, my friends!
Share these simple joys with the children in your world. After all, I don’t use the term “Can’t- Miss” lightly.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have am off to re-experience #11. What is it? Stick with me, and I will be sure to share.

See ya outside!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

National Trails Day at Trinity River Audubon Center

The DFW Family Nature Club will be participating in a very exciting nature service project: 

American Hiking Society's

Why should you be excited? Because this is like a birthday party for trails and wilderness—and no matter where you live in the country, something righteous is going down.


Saturday, June 4th
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Trinity River Audubon Center
6500 South Loop 12
Dallas, TX 75212

REI will partner with Groundwork Dallas, Trinity River Audubon and Merrell in building a campsite and trail maintenance at the Trinity River Audubon Center in the Trinity Forest.

Bring a hat, water bottle, sunscreen, and work gloves, and lots of enthusiasm! For the younger volunteers they can make seed balls to help with the prairie restoration. A free lunch will be provided for the volunteers and you can stay Texas Turtle-Palooza and enjoy the museum and trails of the Trinity River Audubon Center.

Check out this WEBSITE to register your family.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dallas Zoo Outing

"It was a beautiful day to be hanging out with the wildlife at the zoo and the animals were fun to visit too. :)"  -Nature Club member, Dani Shaw.

Our club met at the entrance, by the carousel.  WOW. Breathtaking. The best part?  This massive structure is under a HUGE, shaded pavillion with benches around the perimeter,  for everyone! 

We rode the monorail around the Wilds of Africa.  SOOO COOL!

Another wonderful nature outing with our club friends. 

Please consider joining next month's gathering:
June 4th
  National Trails Day at Trinity River Audubon Center
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Check back for more details!

About DFW Family Nature Club:
We believe quality time with family and friends in nature is a recipe for stress reduction, emotional growth, and happiness. The founders of this club recognize there is a great need in our region for a nature club welcoming ALL families, as well as giving our children opportunities to go outside and experience all the gifts nature has to offer. Our Family Nature Club is for all children and their families regardless of race, religion, socioeconomics status, disability, sexual orientation or other aspect of diversity.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reminder & Activity


Our Family Nature Club is going to the Dallas Zoo this Saturday
May 7th at 10:00 a.m.
See previous post for more details.

Here's a fun activity to play with the kids while you're at the zoo. 
Copies will be available, if you'd like one (or just print it). :o)